Try it the next time you get a chance. Engage someone with conversation—wife, brother, whomever—and really get them going. Make sure they're talking when you walk out of the room. It's probably best to ask an open-ended question before leaving. "By the way, what did you think of that [Insert Film]?" — Something like that, nothing that allows a quick answer. Ever since I first did it, I haven't been able to replicate what happened, and I have a theory as to why, but first—let me tell you what happened. I was talking to my wife one morning in our bedroom. She was getting ready for work, and I had just woken up. I needed to use the bathroom, but I remember sitting on the bed and asking her what was going on at her school that day (she's a teacher). That got her going. She started raving about a famous writer visiting the elementary that morning. She wouldn't stop. I remember getting up and walking out of the room. My wife was still getting dressed—and our son...
The citadel for my short stories, novels, screenplays and thoughts...